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One Planet


The One Planet Standard recognises organisations who seek to respect Planet Earth’s natural boundaries and capacities by adjusting the impacts of their activities to a level commensurate with what the planet can provide. At the same time, it can help to combat climate change and re-introduce more biodiversity and nature into our environment.

What is the One Planet Standard?

The One Planet Standard recognises organisations who respect Planet Earth’s natural boundaries and capacities by adjusting the impacts of their activities to a level commensurate with what the planet can provide. At the same time, it can help to combat climate change and re-introduce more biodiversity and nature into our environment. Besides this, whatever the organisation, it is likely to lead to:

  • enhanced reputation
  • better positioning for tendering
  • compliance with legislation
  • improved staff motivation
  • leaner, more efficient operation
  • greater investment-readiness.

The One Planet Standard works by helping organisations to calculate and reduce their ecological footprint. It does this by encouraging an all-encompassing assessment of the influence and effects of all the organisation’s activities. It is relevant to five different audiences, being built on ten interlinked principles underpinned by a set of evidence-based criteria. It is these criteria against which an organisation seeking accreditation is assessed.

The One Planet Standard embraces the ‘five ways of working’ (See below) and aligns an organisation with the aims of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) act 2015 and other UK and Welsh legislation.

The Act’s social goals can also be included.

Any organisation may use the One Planet Standard as either a developmental framework (for continuous improvement) or as a standard to achieve. Whichever is the case, they will each apply it in a manner that is unique to them. Therefore, how they approach the identification and measurement of their ecological footprint is not prescriptive – one size will not fit all.

During an assessment, organisations will have the opportunity to share with the Assessor how they believe they meet each criterion for the Standard both in writing, through a Self- Assessment Tool, and verbally through dialogue with a range of staff. This is then substantiated by discussion with other staff within the organisation, customers, and suppliers.

Get to know more about OPS with this explainer video

In this three minute video Assessment Services CEO, Paul Bridle, explains what the OPS means to organisations and business leaders. How the standard can be used as a framework, the benefits, and the recognition process.

“Change is coming, whether you like it or not.”

The Five Ways of Working


Long Term ⎯   balancing short-term needs with meeting long-term needs.


Prevention ⎯ acting to prevent problems occurring or getting worse, using the precautionary principle.


Integration – considering how all an organisation’s actions impact upon each other, upon the social and ecological goals, and upon the interests and actions of stakeholders.


Collaboration – with any other person (or different parts of the organisation itself) that could help the organisation meet its objectives and its social and ecological goals.


Involvement – involving a wide range of people in achieving its social and ecological goals, ensuring that those people reflect the diversity of, and are from, the area where the organisation operates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What is the One Planet Standard?

A methodology to effect a culture change in organisations, large and small, from all sectors, to support them in using natural resources efficiently, respecting planetary boundaries, and attaining social goals.  It embraces the ‘Five Ways of Working’ and supports the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act. Adopting a continuous improvement cycle leads to increasing gains.

Why adopt the One Planet Standard?

Most organisations are aware that they should be doing something to counter climate change, help improve biodiversity, support communities, and reduce their own ecological footprint, but either lack knowledge of how to go about it, or see it as a potential cost. The free-to-use Standard will help them develop their own roadmap, demonstrate commitment to operating within planetary boundaries, enhance competitiveness, and save them money.  Please see the benefits here.

How do we know it works?

The Standard has been piloted by a number of different organisations including as council in order to be assured of its rigour and effectiveness. Systematic feedback is being received on each stage of the process.

Organisations voluntarily supply evidence to independent, trained assessors as to where they are on the journey to reduce their ecological footprint.  They are then assessed and given supportive feedback. 

How do I get accredited?

You register with Assessment Services, who then allocates you an Assessor.  An on-line self-assessment tool will help you compile the evidence needed to demonstrate your policy and that you are carrying it out.  The Assessor evaluates this and arranges an appointment to chat to senior staff and a selection of employees, customers, suppliers and others.  Depending on the size of your organisation, this independent assessment can take from half a day to three days.

Who is behind the One Planet Standard?

The One Planet Centre Community Interest Company in conjunction with Assessment Services Ltd. The OPC is headed up by the well-known environmentalist and author, David Thorpe, supported by an Advisory Group of experts in sustainability.  Please see https://theoneplanetlife.com/

Assessment Services Ltd. are independent assessors, accredited by UKAS, with 30 years’ experience of evaluating standards in both the private and public sectors.  Such standards include Customer Service Excellence, IAQF Cymru/Wales, Merlin, Matrix, IAG Standard, SFEDI Awards (for the IOEE), Families First Quality Awards.  Please see https://assessmentservices.com/

What happens after the Assessment?

The Assessor gives you a detailed report, highlighting your strengths, areas that warrant improvement, and suggested targets.  Bronze, silver or gold awards are given. To achieve bronze requires evidence that Senior Managers have committed to your goals, and that you’ve produced a detailed strategy for attaining them. The Assessor checks back every six months to see how your continuous improvement cycle is progressing. Achieving silver or gold awards is dependent on you meeting the targets you have set yourself in your agreed plan.



How much does it cost?

There is no cost to download the Standard.  Any consultancy would be on a charged for basis.

Accreditation – to last two years – costs between £675 and £1,688 according to size of organisation and Award Level.

What's in it for the Welsh Government?

The Welsh Government has been recognised world-wide for its enlightened Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act.  However, it has been challenging for public bodies and companies to fully integrate the goals in their everyday activity. The One Planet Standard is designed to do this. The rigour of independent assessment would ensure that the right progress is made.  Government might insist on contracts, grants or awards being subject to recipients demonstrating their commitment to the Act by adopting the One Planet Standard. The Future Generations Commissioner might offer the tool to all public bodies and public service boards.

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